The Ecology Forum
The Ecology Forum of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BAdW) organises conferences on current issues in the field of ecology, that is, interactions between organisms and their environment. Topics have covered the dynamics of flora and fauna, diversity and importance of microorganisms, effects of increased UV radiation, tropical forestry, and the impact of air pollution on human health.
NEU: Band 51:
One Health. StadtGesundheit und Biodiversität
The Ecology Forum’s Tasks and Objectives
The forum aims at presenting scientific knowledge in generally comprehensible terms and at discussing possible solutions to perceived problems where possible. During the annual conferences (Round-Table Discussions), invited experts present current knowledge in their respective field and discuss the subject with invited participants. The Ecology Forum organises these annual conferences to disseminate relevant scientific insights to decision makers in the Bavarian administration. The forum thereby contributes to a fact-based public discourse.
The conference’s presentations as well as all discussions are edited and published in the series „Rundgespräche der Kommission für Ökologie” (“Round-Table Discussions of the Commission for Ecology”, volumes 1-43) and “Rundgespräche Forum Ökologie” respectively („Round-Table Discussions Ecology Forum”, starting with volume 44).
Please find a list of publications here (series and single volumes).

Flyer, Articles and Annual Reviews for Further Information
A flyer (PDF) provides information about the Forum’s work and published volumes.
The article “Unsere Umwelt im Blick” (“With an Eye on the Environment”, a PDF from the journal “Akademie Aktuell” 02/2009, p. 56-57) provides a short history of the Commission for Ecology and an overview over its work until 2009.
Annual reports document the Ecology Forum’s commitment.
The Ecology Forum is funded by the Free State of Bavaria as a project of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities.